"To a Mind that is Still, the Whole World Surrenders..."

Chuang Tzu

What is T’ai Chi?

T’ai Chi Chuan – meaning “Grand Ultimate Fist” is an internal martial art, and has, for centuries, been a source of health, vitality, and longevity for millions of people in the Far East. The Academy focuses on the overall health benefits and less on the “Chuan” or martial aspects of the art.  T’ai Chi is also classified as an aerobic exercise as the movements create gentle cardiovascular benefits. However, unlike most aerobic exercise, T’ai Chi is done slowly and with very low impact – but don’t be surprised at the amount of heat your body generates while performing this “gentle” exercise.


Circle of Life Tai Chi Academy

We offer online Classes on Zoom, by appointment.

Please visit the “Class Schedule” page or call 480-229-8180 for details.

tranquility The Academy has been in operation since 1997.

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View And Print the Release and Waiver Prior to Coming In For Your Free Trial:
Release/Waiver Form

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